Basic Life Support Assessment Policy

It is Sirius Business Services Ltd’s policy to ensure it provides Basic Life Support training consistently and to a high standard and in accordance with the latest Resuscitation Council UK guidance. To this end all Basic Life Support courses and the assessment of them is conducted in line with this policy which is available on the
Sirius Business Services Ltd website.

For a delegate to “Pass” a Basic Life Support course they must be present for the entire course, and they must take and successfully pass both the practical assessment and the post course online assessment.

If anyone is not present for the entire session ie arrives late, leaves early or is absent for an element of the training for some other reason they cannot be awarded a certificate and may need to re book on another course.

Online Assessment

The post course online assessment is conducted after the course and is a computer based multi choice format with a set pass mark. Delegates who do not attain the pass mark are given feedback at the end of the assessment and are able to retake the assessment.

To Pass a Basic Life Support Course

To “Pass” a Basic Life Support Course and be awarded a “Certificate of Attendance” the delegate must be present for the entire course, participate in the practical session and pass the post course online assessment

Certificates of Assessed Competence

On courses where there is a “Certificate of Assessed Competence” the delegate must be present for the entire course, pass the practical assessment and pass the post course online assessment.

Conduct of Basic Life Support practical assessment

We often get asked the following questions:

  • Can the delegate demonstrate CPR on a table?
  • Is it acceptable to help the delegate to get to the floor if they are unable to do this themselves?
  • Can a delegate just explain how to do Basic Life Support/CPR?
  • Can a delegate describe how to do Basic Life Support/CPR with another delegate demonstrating?

The answer to all of these questions is “No”

To be awarded a “Certificate of Assessed Competence“ eg a “Pass” for the course:

  • the delegate must be able to effectively perform Basic Life
    Support/CPR to the correct standard
  • This must be done promptly and without assistance
  • This must be in similar circumstances to an actual medical emergency i.e. with the patient on the floor.

It is the responsibility of the Instructor/Assessor to ensure that despite any disability, medical condition, learning need or temporary injury, to be awarded the “Certificate of Assessed Competence” ie a “Pass” a delegate must be able to get to the floor unaided and successfully demonstrate all elements of the practical assessment on their own, as in a real-life situation (with the patient on the floor).

A reasonable adjustment cannot be granted if a delegate is unable to demonstrate practical competence and cannot be used to enable a delegate to pass the course and get a “Certificate of Assessed Competence”.

If a delegate is in a wheelchair, for example, they can practise CPR on a manikin raised on a table during the course, but to pass the assessment and gain the “Certificate of Assessed Competence”, they must be able to get to the floor unaided and administer effective Basic Life Support/CPR on a manikin at floor level as in a real-life situation.

Re – Assessment

Where a delegate does not satisfactorily “Pass” the practical assessment, they can be reassessed after some further training if time allows, and it does not cause undue delay to other delegates. The practical assessment should be repeated in full and the Instructor/Assessor should ensure the delegate is able to successfully complete all aspects of the practical assessment.

If a delegate cannot be awarded the “Certificate of Assessed Competence”, they can be offered an “Attendance” certificate if they attend the entire teaching element of the training session and successfully pass the post course online assessment.

Online Assessment

All Basic Life Support courses have a post course online assessment and this is part of the criteria for successfully completing the training and being awarded the course certificate (“Attendance Certificate” or “Certificate of Assessed Competence”). Delegates are encouraged to do this within 48 Hours of the course. The online assessment must be completed and passed within 30 days of the course. In exceptional circumstances this can be extended to a maximum on 90 days. Those delegates who do not complete the post course online assessment within these times will not be issued a course certificate unless it is considered under a Referral or Appeal.

Temporary Injury

If a delegate has a temporary injury and is unable to satisfy all the requirements as stated above, no reasonable adjustment or concession can be given. It cannot be assumed that the delegate will be able to administer effective Basic Life Support/CPR, when they no longer have their injury.

The delegate should consider attending a later course, or the assessment could be deferred and arrangements made to undertake an assessment at a later date by contacting the Sirius Business Services Ltd training department.

Record of Assessment

Where a delegate either fails a practical assessment, or where they pass a practical assessment after retraining and re assessment, or leave a course before it is completed, this should all be clearly recorded on the assessment paperwork or training record. Where a delegate fails a practical assessment a clear explanation must be recorded on the assessment paperwork or training record by the Instructor/Assessor ie “delegate left course before practical assessment”, “delegate unable to get to the floor to perform CPR due to injury”.


Where a delegate has failed to pass the post course online assessment, or has failed to undertake the post course online assessment within the time scale set, a referral can be made. All referrals are considered by a Director of Sirius Business Services Ltd . In the instance of a referral the delegate will be offered a referral meeting (in person or via Zoom) during which they may be required to answer questions or undertake further practical assessment (as appropriate). The director considering the referral will decide following the session whether a certificate can be issued, or not, and if a certificate can be issued, what type. The Director’s decision is final. An additional charge will be made for a referral meeting of £25 + VAT which will be payable by the delegate, or their practice/employer. This charge can only be waived at the discretion of the Managing Director of Sirius Business Services Ltd.

Assessment Appeals

All appeals against practical assessment decisions that cannot be resolved onsite with the Instructor/Assessor should be directed to Gary Hepburn at Sirius Business Services Ltd headquarters.


This policy is inline with the joint statement relating to reasonable adjustments and special considerations in respect to BLS/CPR Issued by the Resuscitation Council (UK), The First Aid Quality Partnership, The First Aid Awarding Organisations Forum (FAAOF) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). 

Gary Hepburn
March 2023

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